So...thats more pebbles for the van...
Little Ms Bosslady has decided what dress to wear in Denmark, the red and white one, it’s the official Denmark dress and won’t come off now. I guess its good in this vanlife living, saves us laundry having to be done too soon :D
The front of our van turned into a bit of a massacre scene of flies as we drove down to surf spot Klitmöller.
Surf spot. Hoping for some waves... but no. Loving the surf vibe though, longboards, surfboards on the van roofs and wet suits hanging everywhere. Headed to stay at the surfcamp, soft vibes with chilled out people hoping to catch some waves.
Best of Legoland
The miniland. I want to stay after hours and live in it.
Penguins. Cause, how cute!
Big no, no
Entering the legoshop right before closing. Standing in the crowd of one billion legoshoppers thinking clearly this was not a stroke of genius.
Done with Denmark. Heading for Autobahn, why not? We are already aclimatized to large crowds after that experience.